Abbi’s fight for seat belt safety continues

It’s been 16 years since Abbigail Driggers’s life changed forever. Her grandmother was taking her for a short drive in April of 2004, and Abbi’s mom, Donna, instead of moving her car seat to the vehicle, buckled Abbi into the back seat using a regular, adult seat belt. “ They were just going down the road, and I figured it […]

Get some ice cold lemonade

Hayden serves the best lemonade in all of Shandon. Whether walking, jogging, cycling, skateboarding, or in your car, stop by at the intersect ion of Heyward and Maple to get yours. Social distance, please.

Urban Oasis

If you drive on Sumter, Main, or Elmwood streets in downtown Columbia, it’s hard to miss the garden of flowers planted in the formerly empty lots surrounded by these streets. This urban oasis of colors stretches between Sumter and Main streets and Elmwood Avenue. Besides being a pleasure for the eyes, it’s also a haven for bees and other insects […]

All The Stories

A timeline. Every social studies classroom has one. Mine was up high, where the wall met the ceiling. The teacher before me, or maybe the teacher before that, hung it. When the principal stopped by for an official observation, the class went well. The only area of improvement was the physical classroom environment. My room tends to be a bit […]

Quirky Crimes in the Capital City

Richland County Two Notch Road: A woman was arrested at 1:30 a.m. Thursday after an officer on patrol saw her doing over 60 mph in a 40 mph zone. When the officer asked the 36-year-old for her license, she admitted it had been suspended. When the officer ran the woman’s name through the computer, it revealed her license was indefinitely […]

Nuf Sed

People living alone should have a way to alert others if they need help


What are some safety tips for people living alone in the pandemic? During the pandemic, COVID-19 isn’t the only worry for older adults living alone. The National Council on Aging, with its expertise on the multiple issues older Americans face during these frightening times, has a special section on COVID- 19 resources for older adults and caregivers through its website […]

YouTube is evil

It’s not a criticism; It’s an observation

Like most addictions, mine started innocently. The inside of my ancient Highlander was wet. Terry suggested YouTube as an information source—both for finding the leak and correcting my smelly interior. I wasn’t a YouTube fan. Friends had recommended the site before but every time I visited, thousands of video choices confronted me with nothing worth investigating. So I typed in […]

Morning has broken

I’m just saying...

I’ve had an interesting morning. I usually get up around 5-5:30 in the morning and have coffee on our screened porch as the sun comes up. It’s nice and peaceful and I enjoy it. This morning, just before daybreak I was quietly sitting out there in my nightie and playing on my phone when I felt something wispy across my […]

Smart Phones are the new Peeping Toms


My phone is really starting to scare me. It plans my route to work in the morning and my way home in the evening without any prodding from me, and the other day it unexpectedly broke into a conversation between my wife and me. We were talking about where to pick up dinner, and it just piped up with several […]