Musical Memorial Day Tribute

Memorial Day is a day meant to remember those who have served and have made the ultimate sacrifice in the name of freedom for our country. To some, it’s also a day to remember family and friends who have served our country but may no longer be with us. For retired physician, Dr. Henry Marion, it’s a day to pay […]

Saluda Shoals offers social distancing options for enjoying the outdoors

It’s getting hot outside. The beautiful spring weather has given way to the “famously hot” Columbia summer, and we know it will only get hotter. Here in the Midlands, we have lots of options to help keep cool as the temperatures rise—lakes, pools, parks, and of course the rivers that flow through the Captial City. One option to consider to […]

Columbia City of Women honoree: Ida Salley Reamer

Nestled on page three beside the Society Notes, the June 13, 1922, issue of The State ran a profile of the 1922 University of South Carolina Law Class. “Columbia Women Lead Law Class,” it announced, “Mrs. Cornelius Y. Reamer takes first honor.” Ida Salley Reamer was a prominent citizen of Columbia. A member of the city’s elite by birth and […]

Quirky Crimes in the Capital City

West Columbia Augusta Road: Police were called to a motel at 3 a.m. Sunday after a guest called police to complain about the noise coming from a nearby room. When officers arrived the manager pointed them to the room in question and there they met the suspect who answered the door. He was uncooperative with the officers, refused to answer […]

The City of Columbia Hometown Heroes—Here for You

One of the most inspiring functions of serving as Mayor of Columbia is having countless opportunities to see, as well as work with, the many different devoted city employees and staff whose dedication makes our city a better and safer community to live in. I am proud and honored to serve with these public servants meeting the needs of our […]

Another reason to get outdoors: Sunshine’s Vitamin D may help with pandemic virus


Can Vitamin D improve COVID- 19 case outcomes? City of Columbia residents welcomed recent news that municipal outdoor spaces had been opened for people to enjoy getting out in nature. Now comes news Vitamin D derived from being outdoors may help in lessening the effects of the current pandemic’s particular strain of corona virus. The May 21 article, “Got Vitamin […]


It’s not a criticism; It’s an observation

There’s a new dog roaming our neighborhood. A cute little devil named Charlie. He belongs to a neighbor’s young daughter and is as personable and friendly as a critter can be. And I think he has a crush on Lacie, the sometimes three-legged dog that allows me to accompany her on daily walks. Most of the folks in our area […]

Nine lives may not be enough

I’m just saying...

“Marty! Are you OK?” I had just gotten out of the shower and dressed. I went downstairs and I was startled to find my husband panting and sweating on the back porch. I wasn’t sure if he was ill or about to die. I didn’t know whether to call 911 or a priest. He had a sort of wild look […]

Gus takes stray-cation to our backyard


We had an anomaly in our backyard for a little while this past Sunday…a very thin dog with the speed of a greyhound, the athleticism of an Olympian, and the energy of a toddler on Red Bull busting out of quarantine. A German Shepherd/ Greyhound mix came flying up out of nowhere and attached himself to my wife and oldest […]

West Columbia hosts mask pickup at City Hall

The City of West Columbia hosted a mask pickup for local law enforcement agencies and chambers of commerce for the region Wednesday, May 20 at the West Columbia City Hall. Congressman Joe Wilson was contacted by S.C. Health to coordinate the distribution of 10,000 masks. Half of those were given to local law enforcement and chambers of commerce. The other […]