Changing of the guard

After two years of serving as the Columbia Council of Neighborhood’s president-elect James McComb Jr. was installed as the organization’s president at its June 29 meeting. “After two years as president-elect, the good thing is I’ve been able to see how (former CCN president) Tige (Watts) works,” McCombs said. “He’s been tremendous for CCN. I just hope I can fill […]

Ebenezer Lutheran Church celebrates two restoration projects

On Sunday, June 30 Ebenezer Lutheran Church held a special service in the chapel at 1307 Richland Street. The service provided an opportunity for Ebenezer to celebrate two restoration projects recently completed with funding from the Richland County Conservation Commission. In this service and during a reception to follow, the congregation expressed its appreciation to the RCCC for two grants, […]

Juras’s memory lives on in Rosewood Community Orchard

In the midst of the summer humidity and a rendition of John Denver’s Paradise, friends and family of the late-Michael Juras gathered at the Rosewood Community Orchard in Owens Field Park for a dedication ceremony in Juras’s honor Saturday, June 29. “It means a lot to be able to carry on his work and show appreciation for his vision, not […]

S.C. Barbecue — a Long Standing Tradition

Barbecue and South Carolina have long gone hand in hand with early references of barbecue-style cooking dating back to the 18th century. On July 4, 1794, Charles Drayton, a plantation owner on the Ashley River, wrote that he “killed an ox to be cured in the barbecue manner. It is said the meat so cured will keep perfectly and be […]

Quirky Crimes in the Capital City

West Columbia State Street: Police were called to a home at 7:30 p.m. Friday after neighbors reported a disturbance. When officers arrived on the scene, they were met by a woman who said her neighbor had thrown “a chunk of a cinder block” at her car and damaged it. The accusing woman told the officers she didn’t “see” the other […]

Your Voice, Your Paper

David and Goliath and Ike

Most junior counselors love rest time. They get a break while the kids are napping. Not, Ike, one of my newest helpers. Ike cannot deal with the quiet. Ike knows his strengths and weaknesses. It took me a while, but I finally figured out what this boy needed. He needed to be on the move. He needed to be able […]

Summer months bring an uptick in crime including auto theft


Are car thefts on the rise? It’s as predictable as fireworks on the Fourth of July. It’s summertime and there’s an uptick in crime that accompanies higher temperatures, especially car break-ins and auto theft. Local social media and crime reports have been lit up with these incidence reports. Yet, while auto theft and other crime traditionally increases in the summer, […]

You can’t do that

It’s not a criticism; It’s an observation

Morganelli’s is a liquor store across town from us. We rarely visit Morganelli’s unless we’re in the vicinity; there are cheaper stores closer that offer a larger inventory. But we like the folks there, and they stock things other area liquor stores don’t carry, so we invent reasons to be close by. Last week, after lunch at Mr. Friendly’s, we […]

Frosty Fireworks

I’m just saying...

“Julia you HAVE GOT to turn the air up! You can HANG MEAT in our bedroom!” This came from my husband Marty on one of those extremely HOT days a while back when the temperature was in triple digits. He had gotten home from work in the early afternoon and I’ll admit that I did have the house pretty cool […]

Don’t panic; it’s only Lawrence Welk


Recently, another sign of the times or an indication of the impending Apocalypse—take your pick—my oldest daughter (the 21-year-old) found herself in a complete panic when the power flickered during a thunderstorm. Such panic is not unusual; we’ve been utterly dependent on electricity for about a century. So it’s perfectly normal to get a little scared when the lights go […]