The Columbia Star has award-winning night

The South Carolina Press Association’s 24th Annual Palmetto Advertising Awards were held at the Summit Club May 25, 2006. Gail Trebuchon, a sales representative for The Columbia Star , and Amanda Taylor, design editor for The Columbia Star , won several awards. Under the category Drug, Beverage, Grocery or Food, they won first place for a Rosewood Market ad. Under […]

Knights Templar serves Columbia

I never dreamed after I read The DaVinci Code a member of the Knights Templar would be sitting in my office. Ronald J. Beaton and I spent two hours discussing the history of The Sovereign Military Order of the Temple of Jerusalem, his organization, a descendant of the Knights Templar. Beaton is originally from Nova Scotia. According to some sources, […]

From algae to bio-diesel

Top idea could change SC's economy

The bright idea that earned financial advisor Bert Cutts top honors at last month’s Think Tank Summit in Charleston didn’t come on suddenly like a light bulb. “I was just at the right time, right place, and tossed it out to the right people,” said Cutts. His proposal to use algae to produce oil, creating highly-efficient bio-diesel, was chosen the […]

Historic Columbia awards preservation

It was a dark and stormy day . The lightning flashed, the thunder roared, and the rain poured at the Robert Mills House. But spirits of the 100 people gathered under the tent May 25, 2006, for the Annual Meeting of the Historic Columbia Foundation were not dampened. Steve Morrison, president of the board of trustees, spoke of the people […]

Athlete turned dancer to compete

Center stage at an international ballet festival was not where a scrappy Elgin basketball player envisioned his life playing out, but that’s where Brooklyn Mack will be later this month. The world-renowned competition in Jackson, Miss. is, for the most talented dancers, a passport to possibilities. “Such a diverse audience sees you in Jackson; people come from all over the […]

YWCA announces TWIN winners

The YWCA of the Midlands sponsored its 27th Annual Tribute to Women and Industry (TWIN) Awards Luncheon on May 24, 2006, at the Clarion Town House. Every year, the YWCA honors women from the Midlands for their contributions to their profession and to their community. USC head basketball Coach Susan Walvius was the guest speaker. The 2006 Tribute to Women […]

War flags viewed at Old Exchange Building during Spoleto

Members of the General Assembly were invited to attend the premiere of a fleeting exhibit of the three Revolutionary battle flags not seen in public since the war ended. The Buford Massacre flags were viewed at the Old Exchange Building in Charleston for the opening of Spoleto, through Memorial Day. The flags were brought to the international arts festival under […]

Sailors from USS Hawkins meet in Columbia

Columbia has been chosen as the reunion site for sailors who manned the USS Hawkins . They will meet in Columbia September 21 and 22 for tours and a banquet. The ship (DD-873) was a Gearing-class destroyer in the United States Navy during World War II. SC Representative Kenneth G. “Ken” Clark [R] of Swansea once captained the USS Hawkins […]

Comptroller general earns jump wings

Over the past six months, Comptroller General Richard Eckstrom, a CPA, has been shedding his weekday business suit for a weekend military uniform and has become parachute jump qualified. His training, completed over Memorial Day weekend, included sessions on jump safety, instantaneous decision-making, and maneuvering and landing under hazardous conditions. Eckstrom is a colonel in the State Guard. He serves […]

Army band veterans keep step in Columbia

Musicians who played to lift morale and spark patriotism during WWII will return to Columbia June 9 and 10 for a reunion. Although the ranks of the 42nd Infantry Division Band thin a bit more each year, former members are determined to get together as long as they can. This year makes their fifth return to Columbia for their annual […]